An American Baptist Congregation
Join us each Sunday at 8:38 a.m. in person in the Judson Room (enter front double doors and walk straight ahead until you find people)! This service is less formal and more interactive in nature, and is not livestreamed. (Join us at 11:00 a.m. for a livestreamed service!) It's about 45 minutes long.
Can't go with us to Nicaragua next June, but interested in learning more about the work of AMOS Health & Hope there? Join us for a virtual mission trip! We'll have 5 weekly short video sessions with discussion, in person and on Zoom, with a choice of Sunday (9:30a) or Wednesday (6:30p) times for each […]
Join us for a children's, youth, or adult Sunday school class! More info here: Children Youth Adults
Between Sunday school and the 11:00 a.m. worship service: Coffee and fellowship for adults and youth, and time with Pastor Cristina for the kids up through 5th grade!
Join us for in-person worship or virtually for the livestream on YouTube or Facebook!
The Two-Way Sermon Discussion is just that—an opportunity to discuss the past Sunday’s sermon with Pastor Matt. Pastor Matt provides his sermon manuscript for all to peruse as we talk about the parts that are most salient and meaningful for each of us. The last fifteen minutes is spent reading and discussing the scripture for […]
Can't go with us to Nicaragua next June, but interested in learning more about the work of AMOS Health & Hope there? Join us for a virtual mission trip! We'll have 5 weekly short video sessions with discussion, in person and on Zoom, with a choice of Sunday (9:30a) or Wednesday (6:30p) times for each […]